قابل توجه افرادي كه از ميوه هاي خارجي و وارداتي استفاده مي نمايند پوست اين ميوه ها را نخوريد. آغشته به واكس هستند. Be Careful when eating apples Please don't eat the skin of the apple because it's coated with wax. Check before you eat many of the fruits. WAX is being used for preservation purposes and cold storage. You might be surprised especially apples from USA and other parts are more than one year old, though it would look fresh. Becoz wax is coated, preventing bacteria to enter. So it does not get dry. Please Eat Apples after removing the wax as demonstrated below. Please follow this and let know others...... .....
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قابل توجه افرادي كه از ميوه هاي خارجي و وارداتي استفاده مي نمايند پوست اين ميوه ها را نخوريد. آغشته به واكس هستند. Be Careful when eating apples Please don't eat the skin of the apple because it's coated with wax. Check before you eat many of the fruits. WAX is being used for preservation purposes and cold storage. You might be surprised especially apples from USA and other parts are more than one year old, though it would look fresh. Becoz wax is coated, preventing bacteria to enter. So it does not get dry. Please Eat Apples after removing the wax as demonstrated below. Please follow this and let know others...... .....
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قابل توجه افرادي كه از ميوه هاي خارجي و وارداتي استفاده مي نمايند
پوست اين ميوه ها را نخوريد. آغشته به واكس هستند.
Be Careful when eating apples
Please don't eat the skin of the apple because it's coated with wax.
Check before you eat many of the fruits.
WAX is being used for preservation purposes and cold storage.
You might be surprised especially apples from USA and other parts are more than one year old,
though it would look fresh. Becoz wax is coated, preventing bacteria to enter.
So it does not get dry.
Please Eat Apples after removing the wax as demonstrated below.
Please follow this and let know others...... .....
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و به آنها بفرماييد، روي خط پايين كليك كنند تا براي آنها هم مطالب خوب و جالب بفرستيم
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ايميل گروه اين است. taf_sar@googlegroups.com
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